Real Kingdom Truth, Reaching People, Restoring Lives

To re-present Jesus to our city and ultimately to the world.

Our ministry priority is to advance the kingdom of God in every realm on earth.

“To go into all the world and make disciples of all men” (Matthew.28:18-19)

Our vision is to do all that we can in a God centered way, to impact as many people as possible with the gospel of Jesus Christ, locally and globally.

Teach, Train, and Transform

We believe this vision is consistent with the purpose of God for humanity and it is timely and relevant for the day in which we live.

We have a vision to enhance the spiritual life and the quality of life within the Southern Tier of New York.

Our vision is to mobilize and activate believers to become leaders who serve the greater community within the Central NY Region. We want to be a supportive partner to our local community, by building the lives of people one person at a time.

We have a vision to partner with people of good will, to be a voice of clarity against injustice and inequality; to give hope to the hopeless.

“Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.” - Robert F. Kennedy

We have a vision to reach out to the people who are unchurched. (Meaning having no church history or affiliation).

We seek to intentionally remove legalistic barriers that alienate people, by developing a culture of acceptance in our gatherings, teaching, literature, and all our activities.

We believe that the kingdom of God is for everyone!

We intend to implement this vision through strategic planning, personal enrichment ministry, mentoring programs, specialized music, creative social events and through extraordinary expressions of love and grace and the liberty of the Holy Spirit.

"But seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you"

Matthew 6:33

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‪(607) 873-2774‬

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